Tuesday, November 10, 2009


Today, I was reminded once again, who carries me through and who holds me up, when the water is deep. That`s right, I went for my 3rd lesson this morning, and I floated the whole length of the pool (WITHOUT A FLOATATION DEVICE) I also treaded water in the deep end, although I did swallow half the pool, but I was able to bob under water, until I touched bottom, and then float on my back, and then tread water. This is HUGH for me. Never in my life, have I gone in the deep end. Thank you so much Courtney for your patience, and assistance. I just need more CONFIDENCE. Just this morning in Hebrews I read about confidence, and was reminded again, that with GOD, ALL THINGS ARE POSSIBLE.
I am thrilled that He would give the determination to do somethng I have always wanted to do.

1 comment:

Kim said...

You should be very proud of what you did today. Facing your fears is a very difficult thing to do! Way to go!