Sunday, June 8, 2008

God is Faithful

We spent the last few days at our cabin at Lake Metigoshe, and I realized that my life change is more of an adjustment than I thought. Change, even though you are looking forward to it, can still affect us in ways we least expect. I still remember my daughter Erin,(my younest) leaving for Sweden after she graduated. My heart was torn in two. James Dobson describes it, as a literal tearing of the flesh. Although my experience this time was different, it brought about some depression. I have had a journey in my past with depression, and I find it a painful place to revisit. However, God always has much to teach me in that valley. He gives me a greater compassion for others in similar pain, and it is always a reminder of what he has brought me through.

Thursday, June 5, 2008

FEAR- False Evidence Appearing Real

I have been reminded again of how the enemy wants to cause us to FEAR. FEAR PARALYSES, BUT FAITH MOBILIZES. God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of POWER and LOVE and a SOUND MIND. So many times we give into fear in our lives, but as we grow in HIM and trust Him for all things, HE will dispell the fear in our lives. God has a plan for our lives, even when we are old and gray.

Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Battle of the Bulge

We all get heavier as we get older because there;s a lot more information in our heads...and my head couldn't hold anymore so it has started filling up the rest of me. SO!! I am not fat, just really intelligent...Well that's my story and I am sticking to it....... Thank goodness that God loves us just the way we are. We put so much pressure on ourselves to look thin, when God looks at our heart, and tells us we are beautiful. What an awesome God He is!!

A good visit

I was blessed yesterday with a visit from my daughter in law, Laura, and my grandson Judah Daniel. What a cutie. I had planned to post some pics, but , alas,my camera bit the dust. Plus, I haven't figure out how to do that yet??? Must be the fact that I am 55, and I seem to be more and more confused. My sister, Bertha, from Steinbach arrived yesterday aftrenoon, and we are spending a few days together. It is wonderfful to spend time with family. So wonderful not to have to rush back and forth to Killarney. I have also been doing some flower planting, which I haven't done for a few years. So good to get my hands in the dirt again. Yes, GOD is so good. He tells us in His Word, that He delights in bringing us His good pleasure. He is awesome.

Sunday, June 1, 2008

We have a BLOG!!

Yes, something you have all been waiting for, and it has finally arrived. I enjoy reading all of your blogs, and now you have the exciting privelege of reaidng mine as well. I do need your help though, as to what I write on a blog, but now that I am an old retired granny, I should beable to think of something. I hope my blog will be an encouragement and a blessing to all of you.