Tuesday, September 30, 2008

AN MP "WHAT???????

I used to think an MP was a member of Parliment, but that was before technology. Last week, Erin and I went shopping for an MP3 player. Yes, that's right. I thought it was high time I got "with it". My old cassette player just didn't cut it anymore. I am very blessed to have smart kids who look after me, so son-in-law, Steve, bless his heart, showed me how to "drag, and drop" songs into this little stick. He had a lot of songs on his computer, so I said, "Well, I like your music, so just put all your stuff on mine", which he did. I think about 40 songs. Well, this little stick has room for 450 songs. I would have to walk to Timbucktoo to listen to that many songs. Well, needless to say, I brought it home, and tried to do everything Steve had told me, but alas, it all looked like greek to me. Anyway, I am thrilled with these songs that I have, and I should be seeing Steve soon, so hopefully he has a few more he can give me. Oh the joys of learning new things, at my age. As we get older, we need to keep our minds "SHARP" So. I will keep pressing on, and maybe I will figure it out in the end. The Bible says that God knows how slow we can be at times, but He loves us anyway. I have learned the best way to stay"SHARP" is to stay close to the Savior, to read His Word, to grow, and never stop growing. I may never know how to load my MP3 player, but that's okay. Someday it won't really matter. Oh, by the way, I love the music, and it is awesome to worship and walk at the same time.

Tuesday, September 23, 2008


FALL!!! I think it is the most beautiful time of year. As we wind down, from the busyness of summer, spending time with family, grandkids, gardening and harvest, we also see nature begin to wind down. To live in the Prairies is truly a gift from our heavenly Father. He blesses us here in Manitoba with 4 distinct seasons, and I enjoy them all. Just as the earth needs to rest, we need to as well. When we rush about our daily lives, Jesus is calling us to rest. To STOP and bask in the beauty and the wonder of his marvelous love. To be still, so we can hear his voice, and to walk in truth and obedience. I have learned that eveen in the chaos of our lives, we can leave it all in his hands, let go and "REST".

"Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest, Take my yoke upon you, and LEARN from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you WILL FIND `REST`for your souls. For my yoke is easy and my burden is light.
Matthew 11:28-30